Saturday 9 April 2016

கொழுப்பு மற்றும் அதிக உடல் எடையை குறைக்கும் சூரிய முத்திரை
பித்த உடம்பு உள்ளவர்கள் இதை தவிர்க்கவும் அடிக்கடி சளி ஜலதோஷத்தால் அவதிப்படுபவர்கள் இதை செய்யலாம் இரண்டு கைகளிலும் செய்ய வேண்டும்
Surya Mudra – for reducing excess fat and lowering bad cholesterolSurya or Sun signifies fiery energy. Surya mudra increases fire element in the body. This mudra decreases earth element in the body. Surya mudra helps in cutting the fat and lowering bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoproteins). Combine practice of Surya mudra in your fat loss program regime and you can expect remarkable results. Surya mudra is beneficial for eyes. It is excellent for people with high Kapha constituition (heavy, slow, laid back attitude, excess mucous). The mudra helps Kapha type by increasing alertness and mobility. The mudra is helpful for people who have intolerance to cold and encounter frequent shivering. Do as required for 10-15 minutes.This mudra is formed by placing the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb and applyingmild pressure of the thumb on the finger.Caution: People with Pitta Constitution (strong metabolism, hot temper, ulcers, oily skin, acne) should never practice Surya mudra.

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